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Tuesday 28 December 2010

We have a mouse in the house!

Below are photos of Gilbert, a naughty 15 inch mouse.  He has been pulling baubles from the Christmas tree and nibbling on the Quality Street.  This is obvious... just looking at that fat tummy!  He is made from two shades of lovely Schulte mohair in blonde and ginger.  He has six joints, including a double-neck joint, cashmere paws and pads, glass eyes with felt eye whites and a hand-moulded nose made by myself using epoxy clay.  He has whiskers and a long tail.  I have knitted him a scarf and bobble hat using hand spun banana silk in lovely shades of brown and gold as he looked to be feeling the cold.  He has been carefully stuffed and weighted so that he stands beautifully.

He is looking for a new home.  His adoption fee is £140 including tracked, insured shipping worldwide and Special Delivery in the UK. 

Friday 24 December 2010

Wishing You A Very Peaceful Christmas Holiday

Hoping you all have a wonderful holiday and find something beary under the tree!  The bears in the photo are Magic and Socks.  They were nominated for an award at the British Bear Artist Awards 2010, but were unplaced. 

However, Blossom won the Realistic Design category.


Saturday 11 December 2010

Linda Benson Giveaway Win!

I am really thrilled to have heard that my name was pulled out of the hat for Linda's giveaway bear, Wee Bear.  This is just the pick up I needed, as I fractured my foot two weeks ago and have been feeling rather down.  So I will be making room in my heart and hug for this little fellow!  If you would like to see a photo of him:

click here

