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Thursday 11 September 2014

Hugglets...not long now!

I am still finishing the teddies for Hugglets.  Since my head injury, I cannot managed sustained effort in the way I used to.  Therefore, I'm behind with photographing the bears!

I have a side profile photo of a large polar bear that will be coming with me and a photo of one of my little whimsical bears.

He's a biggie!  he is made from beautiful, white Schulte alpaca.  He has 6 joints including a double neck joint and a wire armature. He can stand on all fours.

I hand dyed the German mohair used to make Little Miss Sunshine.  She is wearing a broderie anglais onesie and can stand unaided.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Less than 2 Weeks Until Hugglets

OK.  It's less than 2 weeks until Hugglets, and I am busy creating new teddies for the big day.  Just a quick post to show you Bertie.  His design is a fusion of my realistic and whimsical teddies. He is made from beautiful chestnut Steiff Schulte alpaca and has cashmere, pulled toes.  I hope to post a few more teddies as previews before September 14th.  I am in the main hall - 34.  Please come and say hello!