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Tuesday 31 May 2011

My Favourite Teddy - A Homage to Flossie

I am really lucky to have a beautiful collection of artist and vintage bears which I absolutely love and get inspiration from every day.  The bear that lives on my bed and travels with me when I go away is probably the least expensive bear I have ever adopted.  Her name is Flossie and I think she is a 1950s Pedigree bear.  She was an eBay purchase about 5 years ago, and the minute I saw her, I knew she was special.  She doesn't have the glamour of luxurious long kid mohair, but is a nice golden mohair that wants to lay in all directions, although thinning from lots of cuddles.   I bought her a little hand knitted cardigan about 3 years ago to keep her warm.  Her glass eyes are a little scratched, but she can still give me loving looks. Her head is stuffed with wood wool, but the rest of her is softly stuffed,  She is more slender than the chubby bears I normally like but for me, she just has that special something that makes me love her to bits.

I have been playing around with my camera in the garden this morning.  I wish you could smell the Philadephus Belle Etoile and the Ferdinand Pichard roses...just bliss!


  1. Flossie is beautiful, she has an endearing face. I can certainly see why you love her. My most favorite bear is an ebay purchase too. I don't know what she is but she was somebodies mothers. I adore her.

  2. Aww, what a lovely wee girl, I can see why you were drawn to her
