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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Is it time to hibernate, yet?

I have recently completed a weekend bear making course at Bear Bits.  The tutor was Maria Collins of Puca Bears and the purpose of the class was to learn to needlefelt.  We had to do much of the sewing prior to the weekend, using the pattern that Maria supplied. I am so grateful to Maria for opening up a whole new area of possible design development for me.

I had a really nice weekend with convivial company and Maria was a very generous and patient tutor.  I really like the effect that can be achieved with needlefelting on pawpads...although I did discover it does time a considerable amount of time to achieve a nice, 3d effect.  I decided to add one of my hand-sculpted noses to the bear's face.  I think he looks a little tired, so named him 'Is it time to hibernate, yet?'  I'm not convinced he's quite finished.  The urge to keep going with the needlefelting needles is strong!

There is still plenty of time to enter the draw for my free giveaway bear, Pumpkin.  The draw is not until Halloween.



  1. Wow, he is wonderful. Love the paws. And yes I agree with felting it is hard to say ok enough.

  2. Ooh, lucky you, I would love to take a class with Maria, alas, I couldn't ever do the needlefelting with my wool allergy :o( He looks great, and love his eyebrows
